Carbify has released the CO2 Pools System, a unique and one-of-a-kind platform that generates real yield for crypto investors.
- Be aware of Polygon network fees associated with claiming your $aCO2 (details below).
- New pools will be added as necessary.
- The CBY pool will be replenished daily if required.
- Ensure you claim your $aCO2 before selling it.
- The Polygon fee is determined by the amount of trees you are trying the drain ($aCO2). Not the amount of $aCO2 itself. This can become expensive very fast.
Carbify offers the world’s first Carbon Debits to traditional companies and web3 clients, signifying offsets done correctly. By leveraging blockchain technology, Carbify provides the transparency and verification capabilities that are greatly needed in the carbon offset industry. We set ourselves apart from all other market players by unmistakably proving the origins of our offsets. Our Community currently owns over 75,000 NFTrees. These NFTrees produce $aCO2 tokens based on real-world CO2 absorption. Each $aCO2 token represents 1KG of carbon absorbed from the air by the trees, which can be exchanged for USDT or CBY tokens using the CO2 pools platform. A truly unique platform!
To sell your $aCO2 tokens, you must first claim them. Carbidash provides a Claim feature, as shown below.
Wallet Balance: This indicates the $aCO2 that has already been claimed. This can include $aCO2 claimed by you, the user, or $aCO2 that was automatically claimed due to the transfer of NFTrees.
Available to Claim: This shows the amount of $aCO2 available for you to claim. This number increases in real-time based on the number of NFTrees you own. Refreshing the page may display a slightly higher amount.
Polygon Transaction Fees: -> IMPORTANT <-
We are currently operating on the Polygon network until we transition to the Carbify CO2 chain. This means the fees are dynamic and can vary. Claiming $aCO2 might become expensive depending on the gas fees. You can check the current rates here:
We recommend claiming your $aCO2 when the Gwei shows between 50 and 75 (or lower) to avoid high costs.
When you press the claim button, the smart contract will process the $aCO2 claim for 25 NFTrees, regardless of whether there is 1 $aCO2 or 1000 $aCO2 inside. The fee will remain the same. Please formulate a strategic plan before proceeding.
Let’s say you own 250 trees and you want to claim your $aCO2 tokens. When you press ‘Claim available $aCO2’, it will trigger a ‘batched transaction’. This occurs because we can withdraw $aCO2 from only 25 trees in a single transaction. If you own 250 trees, 10 transactions will be initiated, and you will need to sign all 10 transactions using MetaMask or any other wallet solution. This process is automatic.
If this process stops or fails for any reason, simply refresh the page and press ‘Claim’ again. It will continue from where it left off.
This is an example of one of the pools. Merit Circle and Aqtis have purchased Carbon Debits, paying in USD. To supply Merit Circle, Aqtis, and future clients with legitimate carbon offsets, we need to acquire Carbon Debits from the community. This is the purpose of the pools: Carbify purchases Carbon Debits from the community through these pools.
- Price: This indicates the value of $aCO2.
- Ending: The pool will close on the specified date. If the community does not, Carbify will fill up the pool.
- Max Sellable: There is a maximum threshold for each pool to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to sell into the pool.
To sell your $aCO2, you must first claim it on the dashboard page.
When you click ‘Sell $aCO2 to this pool’, a popup will appear displaying the amount of $aCO2 you have available to sell, along with a projected value. Currently, the commission rate is set at 0%. This will change in the future. Please note that there is a maximum limit of $aCO2 you can sell to each pool.
We also offer a pool awarding you $CBY tokens for the $aCO2. You don't need to go to a DEX or exchange to convert your USDT to CBY and pay a tax in order to do so. Just exchange your $aCO2 to $CBY with a click on the button!
This pool will be replenished daily or weekly, depending on the popularity!
Please get in touch with us on Discord. (support section).
And do not trust anyone approaching you via a DM! Always double-check everything.
Carbify’s tokens are $CBY and $aCO2.
Quickswap (Polygon $CBY/$USDC):¤cy1=0x3c499c542cEF5E3811e1192ce70d8cC03d5c3359&swapIndex=0
Uniswap (Ethereum $CBY/$USDT):
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